Links to useful autistic resources:
Pete Wharmby - Neurodiversity Speaker and Writer - About monotropism
Recommended books:
These are books or other resources that are ideal for anyone autistic looking to develop the best version of themselves. Part of your autism acceptance journey.
| | I really recommend this book if you suffer from anxiety/depression, its CBT based but you can take your time working on things - challeging what you think/believe so that you don't spiral thoughts and feelings around. Gain control of your thoughts and feelings, and reassure your mind with calm thinking when needed. |
| | I also really recommend this book if you suffer from social-anxiety, its CBT based but the main thing to learn is to just not judge yourself/others in social situations. Social Anxiety is fear of being judged, so if you don't start up the judgements then your mind is calmer and able to focus better on listening or fitting in socially. |
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This is another highly recommended book if you suffer from anxiety/depression, learn how your mind+brain works and how mindfulness can help calm your mind. Develop the habit of calming yourself. |
| | I recommend this book if you wish to understand how people really work, what drivers them, how we all have an inner chimp that has to compete with other people's inner chimps. Helps you understand its best to manage your own chimp as best you can regardless of the actions of others. |
This is really good book to find out where your thoughts/ideas/beliefs really come from, and challenge the unhelpful parts of your minds so that you can develop a best verson of yourself.